Surveyors sevens

My amazing friend Katie got us hospitality tickets to the RICS sevens on Sunday! A great day out to watch some rugby and enjoy the benefits of our hospitality tickets.......i.e. the free bar. There was a lot of excitement in the build up to this event which led to us being way over excited on the day and drinking faaaarrrrrrrr to much wine for any day of the week let alone a Sunday. Luckily the weather held out for most of the day with only a little bit of rain. Allowing us to wander around and creep on all the hot rugby guys. 

It started out very socially..... We bumped into a couple friends and even watched some rugby. 

But then the free bar got the better of us......

And the silent disco got going....... 

Some I my moves were a little dodgy to say the least. 

It resulted in a VERY long Monday at work. But was a great day out. 

Thanks Katie!!!!! 


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